Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

Linux Users Meeting

Curia II (2nd Floor) (Wilson Hall)

Curia II (2nd Floor)

Wilson Hall

Wilson Hall, 2nd Floor
Edward Simmonds (Fermilab)
Fermilab Linux Users Meeting
  • Connie Sieh
  • Troy Dawson
    • 13:00 13:05
      Introduction 5m
      Quick Introduction and any short announcements
    • 13:05 13:15
      Computer Security 10m
      Computer topic of the month
    • 13:15 13:35
      Special Topic - 20m
      The Main Presentation
    • 13:35 13:40
      Scientific Linux 5m
      Scientific Linux 6.x Scientific Linux 5.x Scientific Linux 4.x - Scientific Linux 4 going away February 2012
    • 13:40 13:45
      Scientific Linux Fermi 5m
      Scientific Linux Fermi 6.x Scientific Linux Fermi 5.x Scientific Linux Fermi 4.x - Scientific Linux Fermi 4 going away February 2012
    • 13:45 14:00
      Command of the Month 15m
      Command of the month