EF03 Heavy flavor and top




Bi-weekly meeting of Snowmass energy frontier topical group EF03 (top and heavy flavor production). We will give a chance for everyone to prepare 5-minute presentations to show their plans. We will also have plenty of time for discussion. 

The meeting will be on zoom at https://msu.zoom.us/j/99445309904 The meeting password on zoom is 202021.

ttW studies on ATLAS
- results depend on scale used in FxFx - authors tried to find out exactly what the functional form is, but this is actually complicated in MG5_aMC@NLO and could not be specified
- Result also depends on the other scales in the event, but see for example the backup slides, which show that the merging scale has very little effect.

ttW and QCD modeling
- Offshell computation by Denner et al - not currently planning on working with them. We suggest to at least reach out and compare
- Also look at history: between beginning of Run 2 and now, were projecting to reduce experimental uncertainties by factor 2, but that hasn’t happened yet.
- We need to study the need for going beyond NNLO to reduce uncertainties, and if so, how realistic it is to have a N3LO calculation available in 15 years.
- Resources required: FxFx doesn’t take that many computing resources, largest effort is to prepare gridpack, which takes a day of running on a cluster. Sherpa requires more effort.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Speakers: Doreen Wackeroth (University at Buffalo, SUNY), Reinhard Schwienhorst (Michigan State University)
    • 2
      ttW production: a very complex process
      Speakers: Marcos Miralles Lopez (IFIC Valencia), Maria Moreno Llacer (IFIC Valencia)
    • 3
      A detailed comparison of QCD modelling in pp → ttW production
      Speaker: Manfred Kraus (FSU)
    • 4
      5 minute presentations on proposed studies