9:00 AM
JPARC Neutrino Beam Upgrade Plans and Possibilities
Ken Sakashita
9:30 AM
ESSnu Superbeam and Spallation Source
Tord Ekelof
10:00 AM
Future Neutrino Horns
Eric D. Zimmerman
(University of Colorado)
Eric Zimmerman
10:20 AM
Future Neutrino Targets
Chris Densham
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
10:40 AM
Francesco Terranova
(Univ. of Milano-Bicocca and INFN)
11:20 AM
Fermilab Neutrino Beam Upgrade Plans and Possibilities
Matthew Toups
11:50 AM
Jonathan Paley
12:10 PM
NA61 Plans
Yoshikazu Nagai
(University of Colorado Boulder)
Yoshikazu Nagai
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
12:30 PM
Flux Determination at Near Detectors
Chang Kee Jung
(Stony Brook University)
12:50 PM
LBNF Upgrade Possibilities
Mary Bishai
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Mary Bishai