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Attendees: Derek, Marian, Andy, Edgar, Ilija, JohnH, Matevz, Mat, Riccardo
- no news good news
XRootD development for XCache
- Scitoken moving into submodules status in order to build when we want to
- LSST is becoming a big Kubernetes setup but there would be some loose control of DNS, it's complicated
- RC for 4 series our and soon for 5 series
- lot of backporting done for r4, mostly because people don't want to move to 5
- discussion on DPM degrading support in the near future, reduced manpower on develepment, it my have an impact on several things, there is around 600 sites that runs DPM
XCache issues
- nothing new
- StashCache in PIC is using new image that is stable, would need help run v5 at CNAF
- PIC people wants to be part of xcache meetings, we will add them to the list!
ATLAS XCache deployment
- investigating some gfal issues
CMS XCache deployment
- no report
- CMS data is landing to GRACC accidentally? Will investigate...
OSG StashCache deployment
- SW: asking Ilija to help with upstreaming changes to ATLAS StashCache containers; Ilija comments better tagging would be more appropriate
- SW: Are people interested in build of xcache packages for EL8? We should be at least start testing it
- Andy: EL6 support no longer than end of January, official statement will be posted on the website so we can pass it to sites as well as contact CMS O&C computing coordinators, ATLAS will be informed by Ilija
- I2: US nodes are up, still waiting for some pieces at Amsterdam
XRootD transfers monitoring
- changed to send streams from http to https
- xrootd works with TPC!
- migrating RUCIO instance to a new service which is top-notch at CERN, - xroot is currently more complicated than http, still under investigation, not enough details to provide yet