XCache DevOps Meeting Oct 29, 2020

Derek Weitzel (University of Nebraska - Lincoln), Marian Zvada (US CMS)

Where: ZOOM.US

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://unl.zoom.us/j/651969661
Meeting is password-protected: ask #xcache slack channel or xcache@opensciencegrid.org

Or iPhone one-tap :
    US: +16699006833,,651969661#  or +14086380968,,651969661#
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923
    Meeting ID: 651 969 661
    International numbers available: https://unl.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=wxCNSgMZiA-cVKSNowGYlQ

Attendees: Marian, Andy, Carlos, Pepe, Diego, Edgar, Ilija, JohnH, Matevz, Mat, Riccardo, Derek

* WLCG Workshop on Storage Nov 19-24
- proposals for talks welcome from US sites! Pepe will send a call for proposals to the list
* Welcome new memebers from PIC - Pepe and Carlos
- working on XCaches monitoring in context of Spanish federation
- Carlos is PhD student collaborating with Pepe on data management projects for HL-LHC, deploying XCache instance at PIC

XRootD development for XCache
* working a lot on SciTokens, progress is not as good as hoped but progressing
* still planning SciTokens library in separate RPM
* how to integrate SciTokens as a package, dominant technology for data access
* possible release of v5.1, it could go out without disk part integrity and only with network integrity that is ready for November; will decide later, disk part is complicated

XCache issues
* long discussion on TLS various usage
* security concerns that is related to the open ticket: https://github.com/xrootd/xrootd/issues/1299
* TPC-HTTP transfers related: https://github.com/xrootd/xrootd/issues/1303

ATLAS XCache deployment
* things are working fine for ATLAS
* Q from Edgar: have you tried to run any of the caches that run in Kurbernetes over IPv6 or dual-stack? Yes, in progress of setup preparation for dual-stack these days, will report back if they hit any problems.

CMS XCache deployment
* debugging CNAF issues (caches can't start), Andy and Edgar are on the case

OSG StashCache deployment
* no news

XRootD transfers monitoring
* no news

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