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Snowmass 2021, EF10 DM@Colliders, topical meeting on summary plots for WIMPs and other models - POSTPONED


Welcome to the bi-weekly meeting of the Snowmass Energy Frontier "Dark Matter at Colliders" Topical Group (EF10).

We are the Dark Matter and Dark Sector searches at high energy colliders.  More details on our mandate can be found on our twiki

The Zoom link for our meeting is:

Live notes (*) for this meeting are available at this link.

We will meet roughly every two weeks unless there are other Frontier meetings of interest. The meetings are held on Wednesdays at 12:00 EST/18:00 European. Meetings will generally last up to two hours. Any presentation is welcome, including work-in-progress: this group's role is to guide and help the community survey the landscape for DM searches at colliders towards the final Snowmass report.

Other notes: 

  • Our mailing list is, to subscribe, send an email to with an empty subject and the text SUBSCRIBE SNOWMASS-EF-10-DARK_MATTER FIRSTNAME LASTNAME. This also works for other Snowmass mailing lists, including the overall SNOWMASS-ENERGY-FRONTIER-GROUP one.
  • (*) Live notes is a note-taking practice adopted from the example of the HEP Software Foundation, where points related to the meeting are added in advance of the meeting, and the participants can contribute either before or during the meeting (in the latter case, this is similar to taking minutes/notes, participants still contribute to the live discussion by raising their hand in Zoom and speaking in the meeting). For each meeting, we invite to add points and questions in advance of the meeting in the "Discussion" field, and we can go over them during the discussion. They form the basis for the meeting minutes that will be added to our twiki after each meeting.  At the end of the meeting, the notes are summarised and published. 
    • 11:00 11:20
      Introduction (including Snowmass DM complementarity efforts) 20m
      Speakers: Caterina Doglioni (Lund University), Liantao Wang (University of Chicago)
    • 11:20 11:40
      Update on simplified-model-based DM summary plots for EF10 20m
      Speakers: Antonio Boveia (Ohio State University), Boyu Gao (Ohio State University)
    • 11:40 12:00
      Discussion of planning 20m
      Speakers: Caterina Doglioni (Lund University), Liantao Wang (University of Chicago)