Mar 18 – 22, 2021
Stony Brook, NY
US/Eastern timezone

Superconducting mm-wave detector development at Argonne National Laboratory

Mar 19, 2021, 2:15 PM
Stony Brook, NY

Stony Brook, NY

Online [US/EST Timezone]
Photodetectors Photodetectors


Peter Barry (ANL)


Over the past decade, advances in arrays of superconducting detectors have revolutionized the field of mm-wave cosmology. Large-format arrays of thousands of transition-edge sensors (TESs) have provided an exquisite view of the mm-wave sky. The next decade promises to continue this trend, with a number of upcoming experiments such as the Simon's Observatory, CCAT-prime, SP-TMA, and CMB-S4. Kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) offer an alternative path to densely packed focal plane arrays. With a significant reduction in manufacturing and readout complexity, KID arrays are set to play a key role in applications in both imaging and spectroscopy. I will present an overview of the ANL detector programme, focusing primarily on the on-going development of TES and KID arrays. In particular, I will describe aspects of the design, fabrication, and preliminary characterization of the dichroic OMT-coupled TES arrays for CMB-S4, the advances toward large-format KID arrays, and present two new KID-based instruments, SPT-SLIM and SPT-4, that are under development for the South Pole Telescope.

Primary author


Amy Bender (Argonne National Laboratory) Tom Cecil (Argonne) Clarence Chang (Argonne National Lab) Dr Riccardo Gualtieri (Argonne National Labratory) Donna Kubik (Fermilab) Juliang Li (Argonne National Laboratory) Ms Marharyta Lisovenko (Argonne National Laboratory) Zhaodi Pan (The University of Chicago) Gensheng Wang (HEP, Argonne) Vlad Yefremenko (Argonne National Laboratory) Jianjie Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials