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Mar 18 – 22, 2021
Stony Brook, NY
US/Eastern timezone

Low-$T_c$ TES as Sensors for Fundamental Physics

Mar 18, 2021, 12:25 PM
Stony Brook, NY

Stony Brook, NY

Online [US/EST Timezone]
Quantum Sensors Quantum Sensors


Jianjie Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory)


Low-$T_c$ TES based radiation detectors are excellent choices for experiments in fundamental physics such as direct detection of low-mass dark matter, neutrino-less double beta decay search, and coherent neutrino nucleus scattering, owing to their advantages of low threshold, high energy resolution, and fast response time. We have been developing low-$T_c$ materials and devices with the goal of realizing low-$T_c$ TES detectors for various applications in fundamental physics research. In this presentation, we will discuss work carried out in collaboration with UC-Berkeley, to develop large-area low $T_c$ detectors as potential low-threshold light detectors for a neutrino-less double beta decay experiment. We have successfully developed a number of recipes for low-$T_c$ superconductor films including Ir/Pt bilayer and Au/Ir/Au trilayer with tunable and reproducible $T_c$'s down to 20 mK and sharp superconducting transitions. Here we discuss our studies of thermal transport of our materials and present measurements of thermal conductance from both electron-phonon decoupling within our metals and materials interfaces.

Primary author

Jianjie Zhang (Argonne National Laboratory)


Whitney Armstrong (Argonne National Laboratory) Clarence Chang (Argonne National Lab) Brian Fujikawa (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Kawtar Hafidi (Argonne National Lab) RAUL HENNINGS-YEOMANS (University of California at Berkeley) Roger Huang (UC Berkeley) Goran Karapetrov (Drexel University) Yury Kolomensky (LBNL) Ms Marharyta Lisovenko (Argonne National Laboratory) Laura Marini (University of California, Berkeley) Zein-Eddine Meziani (Argonne National Laboratory) Valentine Novosad (Argonne National Laboratory) John Pearson (Argonne National Laboratory) Tomas Polakovic (Argonne National Laboratory and Drexel University) Dr Benjamin Schmidt (Northwestern Univsersity) Vivek Singh (University of California, Berkeley) Sachinthya Wagaarachchi (University of California, Berkeley) Gensheng Wang (HEP, Argonne) Bradford Welliver (LBNL) Vlad Yefremenko (Argonne National Laboratory) Mattia Beretta (University of California, Berkeley) Erin Hansen Kenneth Vetter (University of California, Berkeley)

Presentation materials