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Indico will be down for server maintenance on Wednesday, October 16th from 7-730 CST.

Mar 18 – 22, 2021
Stony Brook, NY
US/Eastern timezone


Opening Plenary

Mar 18, 2021, 10:00 AM
Stony Brook, NY

Stony Brook, NY

Online [US/EST Timezone]


Opening Plenary

  • Petra Merkel (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
  • Karsten Heeger (Yale University)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Karsten Heeger (Yale University), Petra Merkel (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
3/18/21, 10:00 AM

Welcome to the CPAD workshop, agenda and goals for the workshop

Ian Shipsey (Oxford)
3/18/21, 10:10 AM
Gabriella Sciolla (Brandeis University)
3/18/21, 10:30 AM
Kate Scholberg (Duke University)
3/18/21, 10:45 AM
Daniel McKinsey (University of California, Berkeley)
3/18/21, 11:00 AM
Clarence Chang (Argonne National Lab)
3/18/21, 11:15 AM
Monica Pepe Altarelli (CERN)
3/18/21, 11:30 AM
Building timetable...