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10–14 Sep 2012
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Wireless Operation of the DNA03 at FNAL

13 Sep 2012, 14:35
1 West (Wilson Hall)

1 West

Wilson Hall

Kirk and Pine Streets, Batavia, IL
Poster Poster Presentations Poster Presentations (5 minutes per poster)


Mr Gary Coppola (FNAL)Mr John Kyle (FNAL)


When surveying accelerators, there are two key datum's or networks to be considered, horizontal (X,Y) and vertical (Z). Precision alignment requires that the horizontal and vertical control networks be done independently due to the accuracy limitations of the instruments utilized. This poster outlines the methodology used for data collection and processing of the vertical control networks at FNAL.

Primary author

Mr John Kyle (FNAL)


Mr Gary Coppola (FNAL)

Presentation materials