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10–14 Sep 2012
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Performance and Results of the ATLAS FSI Alignment System

14 Sep 2012, 10:40
1 West (Wilson Hall)

1 West

Wilson Hall

Kirk and Pine Streets, Batavia, IL
Paper Metrology Aspects of Beamlines, Experiments and Detectors Metrology aspects of Beamlines, Experiments and Detectors


Dr Andree Robichaud-Veronneau (University of Oxford)


The Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI) alignment system has been developed to monitor the movement of the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) at CERN. Over 800 fibre-coupled interferometers are arranged to form a geodetic grid of distance measurements between nodes on the SCT. The full set of interferometers are read out simultaneously and continuously, also during ATLAS data-taking. Since 2009, the FSI system has successfully measured sub-micron deformations in the tracker and contributed to the ATLAS Inner Detector alignment. In this talk, new modes of data-taking are introduced; the performance and measurements of the system are discussed; and a new visualiser application is presented, which has been developed to enable a qualitative appreciation of the significance of displacement data.

Primary author

Dr Andree Robichaud-Veronneau (University of Oxford)


Mr Adrian Lewis (University of Oxford) Dr Elias Coniavitis (University of Oxford) Dr Elizabeth Gallas (University of Oxford) Dr Katherine Horton (University of Oxford) Ms Lucy Kogan (University of Oxford) Mr Mohamed Dehchar (University of Oxford) Dr Richard Nickerson (University of Oxford) Dr Stephen Gibson (University of Oxford) Dr Zhijun Liang (University of Oxford)

Presentation materials