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10–14 Sep 2012
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Development and validation of raschain alignment systems for the pre-alignment of CLIC

13 Sep 2012, 10:15
1 West (Wilson Hall)

1 West

Wilson Hall

Paper Alignment Instrumentation, Software and Methods Alignment Instrumentation, Software and Methods


Dr Harry van der Graaf (NIKHEF)


Raschain alignment system is under development at NIKHEF for the pre-alignment of CLIC. It is a combination of two 3 point alignment systems: RasNik system, consisting of a coded mask illuminated by LED and projected on a CCD through a lens, and RasDif system, where the coded mask & LED are replaced by a laser, and a diffraction plate replaces the lens. Different applications of Raschain are under study: firstly, as a short range alignment system providing a determination of the transverse position of compoments with a precision and accuracy better than 5um rms over 10m; secondly, as a long range alignment system providing a determination of the transverse position of the components with a precision and accuracy better than 5um rms over 200m, and thirdly, combined with elaborated mechanics, allowing the monitoring of the position of the final focus magnets through the detector, to a precision of 5um rms. This paper presents the first prototypes of Raschain alignment system, the test setups and their associated results. In addition, the next steps of validation are introduced: inter-comparison on short range (4m) and long range (140m), as well as the strategy foreseen for their calibration.

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