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20 January 2021
US/Central timezone


Sub-project reports

20 Jan 2021, 13:00
Big Room (Virtual)

Big Room



Need talks on sub-project status and plans: NOvA Analysis - status and design, Event selection and HEPnOS, Generators - tuning, Generators - use of search data, Generators - optimization

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Jim Kowalkowski (Fermilab)
20/01/2021, 13:00
Holger Schulz, Stephen Mrenna (Fermilab)
20/01/2021, 13:10

Optimization, design of experiments.

Holger Schulz, Marianette Wospakrik
20/01/2021, 13:40

Update on SBN work

Dr Marc Paterno (Fermilab), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab)
20/01/2021, 14:50
Update from Matthieu, Rob, Saba, Marc
20/01/2021, 15:05
Building timetable...