XCache DevOps Meeting Jan 21, 2021

Derek Weitzel (University of Nebraska - Lincoln), Marian Zvada (US CMS)

Where: ZOOM.US

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Attendees: Marian, Derek, Diego, Matevz, Andy, Edgar, JohnH, Matevz, Matyas, Ilija

* CHEP papers? We don't seem to have candicate paper for submission this time from xcache group
* OSG AHM virtual soon

XRootD development for XCache
* still sorting out missing one piece that holds new RC for SciTokens
* working version of 5.1.0 RC5 ready, ~week or more for the release

XCache issues
* multi-stream TPC issue (github #1379) - devs don't understand what is going there, need somebody who understand what going on because the core code didn't change, curl is complaining in mystic way when going multi-stream. Trace through it would help, gdb with breakpoints would be appreciated.

ATLAS XCache deployment
* all changed made for image are fine, v5.1.0 RC4 on two instances also doing well
* will upgrade rest of SLATE federation in a few days with v5.1.0 RC4 if things remain stable
* want to test performance

CMS XCache deployment
* no news
* discussion about multi-user and checksums issue (Diego), hadoop related

OSG StashCache deployment
* waiting for the fix with multi-stream
* need to make config changes in SciTokens (++ notations), Andy will reflect change in README
* Amsterdam cache no news (SurfNet), some issues with transport from the dock

XRootD transfers monitoring
* progress ongoing for the accounting (Derek, Diego)

* Riccardo: no news for XCache at CERN

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