Where: ZOOM.US
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Meeting ID: 651 969 661
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Attendees: Marian, Derek, Andy, Carlos, David, Diego, Edgar, JohnH, Matevz, Mat, Riccardo, Ilija, Pepe
* OSG AHM (March 1-5) registration open: https://indico.fnal.gov/event/47040/registrations/2899/
* VIRGO presentation on studies of frame file access in several VIRGO sites (to be decided whether Feb 11 or Feb 18)
* http geoIP redirector soon
XRootD development for XCache
* RC6 is out, fixes for xcache and http tpc
* working on more issues as they come in
* preparing http version of xcache, opportunity to deploy instead of squid http over xcache, keep up looking
XCache issues
* no report
ATLAS XCache deployment
* things working fine, nothing special to report
CMS XCache deployment
* no report
OSG StashCache deployment
* no update on Amsterdam
XRootD transfers monitoring
* tons of attributes added to new collector and deployed to production this week (CMS request)
* documentation, we'll have to think about it, maybe at least a link from main xrootd pages to ours
* scale validation, started up bunch of servers and clients
* idea of miniworkshop on XCache/origin deploy is being recognized, Pepe spreads the word, idea put it also in one of the session for the HEPiX workshop! They are interested.
* no news on CERN xcache deployment, few machines up and doing load testing