Where: ZOOM.US
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Meeting ID: 651 969 661
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Attendees: Edgar, Marian, Derek, Mat, Matevz, Riccardo, Carlos, JohnH, Diego, Andy, Ilija
* registration open for OSG AHM: https://indico.fnal.gov/event/47040/registrations/2899/
* Edgar is leaving, his last day with OSG is February 28. Good luck, Edgar!
XRootD development for XCache
* RC7 out (crashes with TLC, e.g. happening at Caltech)
XCache issues
* no report
ATLAS XCache deployment
* build an new image and deployed but nothing worked afterwards
* debugged problem further and discovered one of the base images was old, after clean up all good, running version RC6 everywhere
CMS XCache deployment
* no report
OSG StashCache deployment
* ran RC7 build through tests, all succeeded except multistream TPC, voting still release in osg-development and let people testing
XRootD transfers monitoring
* new generation collector in production
* comparing data in MONiT between GLED and new collector sources
* caches running at CERN, tests in progress (multi-data machinery), David is in charge of these tests
* Carlos notes they upgraded caches to v5.0.x