XCache DevOps Meeting Mar 11, 2021

Derek Weitzel (University of Nebraska - Lincoln), Marian Zvada (US CMS)

Where: ZOOM.US

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Attendees: Marian, Pepe, Carlos, BrianL, Diego, Ilija, Matevz, Riccardo, Andy

* BoF session about DPM next week during HEPIX workshop
* Andy talking about permissions on an virtual travel when somebody from US continent connects to the EU-organized Zoom

XRootD development for XCache
* 5.1.1 released, known issues that affect small % of sites
strange crashing affecting some sites, ASAN
* moving to C++14 from April 1 (not a joke!)
* is OSG transitioning to CentOS8?

XCache issues
* caches are working fine
* AAA SAM test issues - will be investigate offline

ATLAS XCache deployment
* Most of xcache's worked fine
* Only one server at AGLT2 had a k8s network issue so a quick restart resolved the issue
* Heartbeats are working fine, VP multinode support implemented in Rucio
* Now there is a way to tell rucio which client site uses which xcache site. Once in production Rucio will switch away from CRIC to VP way of delivering prefixed paths.

CMS XCache deployment
* try to install newer version in the containers

OSG StashCache deployment
* working on xrootd 5.1.1
* new xcache rpm on the way
* different container tags for releases in the OSG repo(s)

XRootD transfers monitoring
* discussion about attributes reported as "Unknown" for PIC, Pepe will send email to [email protected] to discuss further

* integration of CERN caches in data lakes soon

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