25 March 2021
US/Central timezone

The AWA Upgrades mini-workshop will host a series of presentations on the upgrade plans for improving the AWA Facility operations. These upgrades will be accomplished by increasing engagement with other accelerator groups at Argonne National Laboratory and other DOE national laboratories. The scientific goals of the AWA Upgrades are to increase the operational capabilities and throughput of the AWA facility while enabling new research opportunities.  

The upgrades currently include:   

  1. Control System upgrade.  The APS controls group will work with the AWA group to upgrade the homemade AWA control system to the accelerator community standard, EPICS.
  2. LLRF upgrade. AWA's commercial low-level RF (LLRF) hardware will be replaced with a LLRF chassis being developed for LCLS-II which is currently being fabricated at LBL.  This work will be done by 3 groups: the LBL group, APS RF group and the AWA group.
  3. Klystron Amplitude Stability Upgrade.  The AWA HV modulator and related systems will systematically be characterized to determine how its stability can be improved.  

This workshop will discuss and further develop the upgrade work that is already underway.   Near-term plans, as well as articulating potential ideas for longer term upgrades will also be discussed.

To join the meeting on a computer: https://bluejeans.com/6302520000

Phone Dial-in

+1.866.226.4650 (US Toll Free)

Global Numbers: https://www.bluejeans.com/premium-numbers

Meeting ID: 502 810 440

Registration for this event is currently open.