DUNE Workflow/load Development 1st April 2021 --------------------------------------------- Present: Andrew McNab (AM) (chair/notes), Elisabetta Pennacchio (EP), Fergus Wilson (FW), Andrew Norman (AN), Chris Brew (CB), Ken Herner (KH) Raja Nandakumar (RN), Steve Timm (ST), David Demuth (DD) Intro+news ---------- - Discussion about Workflow/load status and gaps document https://docs.google.com/document/d/10n0kZbaEc_PPVspmfCK207dqhDnJeDSJbmx8Ue4Dlss/edit - Some comments added about a couple of components to add (eg global pool) - Other than that, the meeting agreed it at least mentioned everything - AM will integrate comments into another iteration of the text GlideInWMS ---------- - ST: Some more testing with DUNE pool, found some config issues Fixed off site blocking User tools (inc jobsub) ----------------------- - Workflow/production ------------------- - RN: Run test of late binding using jobsub jobs. From FNAL and RAL-PPD, ran successfully. WN made call to SAM to choose file to run (ie same as tests run with DIRAC.) HEPCloud -------- - Pilot Factories --------------- - AM: Manchester pilot factory daemon and database created as skeletons. Next step is to implement the manual pilot jobs tests in the code. - ST: In a few months, some US states will become token only Some may appear in June. - RN: Marian at CERN should ensure ETF supports token based submission, and RN will take care of starting to test token job submission through ETF. Other topics (ETF, HEP Score, ...) ---------------------------------- - AOB --- Meetings continue in this slot, 8am CT Thursdays. Some absences in April due to Easter holidays.