Potential Fermilab Muon Campus & Storage Ring Experiments
Monday, 24 May 2021 (08:00)
Thursday, 27 May 2021 (13:00)
Monday, 24 May 2021
Welcome from Fermilab
Kevin Pitts
(Fermilab/University of Illinois)
Welcome from Fermilab
Kevin Pitts
(Fermilab/University of Illinois)
08:00 - 08:10
08:10 - 08:15
Muon g-2 & EDM theory motivation
Dominik Stoeckinger
(TU Dresden)
Muon g-2 & EDM theory motivation
Dominik Stoeckinger
(TU Dresden)
08:15 - 08:40
Lorentz Invariance & CPT symmetry theory motivation
Arnaldo Vargas
(Loyola University New Orleans)
Lorentz Invariance & CPT symmetry theory motivation
Arnaldo Vargas
(Loyola University New Orleans)
08:40 - 09:05
The prospects for testing Lorentz and CPT symmetry in muon g-2 experiments are presented. Using muons for testing Lorentz and CPT symmetry is essential as existing constraints on muon Lorentz- and CPT-violating operators comprise only a small fraction of the available limits. Possible signals for Lorentz and CPT violation in g-2 experiments include annual and sidereal variations of the spin-precession frequency. The advantages of performing negative muon measurements are considered. Fermilab and J-PARC experiments are sensitive to slightly different combinations of Standard-Model Extension (SME) coefficients. A discussion about the relative advantages of both experiments is included.
AP0 target station capabilities & status/Muon Campus Operations for negative muon & dedicated EDM measurements
James Morgan
AP0 target station capabilities & status/Muon Campus Operations for negative muon & dedicated EDM measurements
James Morgan
09:05 - 09:30
Estimating target performance for negative muon production
Eremey Valetov
Estimating target performance for negative muon production
Eremey Valetov
09:30 - 09:42
A Dedicated Muon EDM Experiment in the Muon `g-2’ Ring
Aakaash Narayanan
A Dedicated Muon EDM Experiment in the Muon `g-2’ Ring
Aakaash Narayanan
09:42 - 09:54
With the recent first results of Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment, the discrepancy from theory of the measured magnetic dipole moment (MDM) of the muon looks even more persistent, and there is much motivation to search for new physics in spin precession experiments. We present initial studies into the possibility of using a modified version of the Muon g-2 storage ring to search for a non-zero muon EDM. Using both electric and magnetic fields to produce a "frozen spin" condition for the MDM, while enhancing precession due to an EDM, the storage ring would operate at a lower central muon momentum than for the g-2 measurement, which can be obtained using high intensity beam from the PIP-II linear accelerator. Preliminary calculations and simulation results of beam production at 800 MeV, plus the determination of the closed orbit inside the hybrid ring configuration muon beam are presented. The possible operational range in momentum and energy of muons and their respective window of electric and magnetic field values shall be presented. Challenges in the pursuance of this technique and systematic errors inherent in this approach are discussed.
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
09:54 - 10:24
Panel discussion on Muon g-2 Negative Muon Running
James Morgan
Brendan Kiburg
David Hertzog
(University of Washington)
Breese Quinn
(University of Mississippi)
Hogan Nguyen
Panel discussion on Muon g-2 Negative Muon Running
James Morgan
Brendan Kiburg
David Hertzog
(University of Washington)
Breese Quinn
(University of Mississippi)
Hogan Nguyen
10:24 - 11:19
Moderators: Saskia Charity (Fermilab), Breese Quinn (University of Mississippi) Panelists: Jim Morgan (Fermilab), Hogan Nguyen (Fermilab), Brendan Kiburg (Fermilab), Dave Hertzog (University of Washington)
Panel Discussion on dedicated EDM measurement
Joe Price
(Univ. of Liverpool)
Peter Winter
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Brendan Casey
Rebecca Chislett
Panel Discussion on dedicated EDM measurement
Joe Price
(Univ. of Liverpool)
Peter Winter
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Brendan Casey
Rebecca Chislett
11:19 - 12:04
Moderators: Saskia Charity (Fermilab), Breese Quinn (University of Mississippi) Panelists: Brendan Casey (Fermilab), Peter Winter (Argonnr National Laboratory), Joe Price (University of Liverpool), Becky Chislett (University College London)
Open Discussion
Open Discussion
12:04 - 13:04
Tuesday, 25 May 2021
08:00 - 08:05
Panel discussion on charged pion lifetime, radiative muon decay, muon neutrino mass, and Proton/Deuteron EDM theory motivation
Vincenzo Cirigliano
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Jordy de Vries
Robert Shrock
(C. N. Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook University)
Massimo Passera
(INFN Padova)
Panel discussion on charged pion lifetime, radiative muon decay, muon neutrino mass, and Proton/Deuteron EDM theory motivation
Vincenzo Cirigliano
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Jordy de Vries
Robert Shrock
(C. N. Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stony Brook University)
Massimo Passera
(INFN Padova)
08:05 - 08:50
Moderators: Esra Barlas Yucel (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Andre Luiz De Gouvea (Northwestern University) Panelists: Jordy de Vries (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Vincenzo Cirigliano (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Robert Shrock (Stony brook university), Massimo Passera (INFN)
Muon neutrino mass measurement
Priscilla Cushman
(University of Minnesota)
Muon neutrino mass measurement
Priscilla Cushman
(University of Minnesota)
08:50 - 09:15
Pion lifetime measurement
Tim Gorringe
(Univ of Kentucky)
Pion lifetime measurement
Tim Gorringe
(Univ of Kentucky)
09:15 - 09:40
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
09:40 - 10:10
Radiative muon decay measurement
Kim-Siang Khaw
(Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Radiative muon decay measurement
Kim-Siang Khaw
(Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
10:10 - 10:35
Physics options with negative muons, polarized proton and deuteron beams in the muon g-2 ring
Yannis Semertzidis
(Physics Department, KAIST)
Physics options with negative muons, polarized proton and deuteron beams in the muon g-2 ring
Yannis Semertzidis
(Physics Department, KAIST)
10:35 - 11:10
Running with negative muons presents a special challenge due to the very strict vacuum requirements operating the electrostatic quadrupoles. We revisit the option of using magnetic focusing with the added benefit of an RF system, first proposed by Yuri Orlov in the sixties, to reduce the momentum dispersion effect to the required level. In that case, we could also include polarized proton beams to map the magnetic field of the storage region directly. Finally, we will explore the options of launching frozen-spin proton and deuteron EDM experiments using this ring. Interestingly, the muon g-2 ring offers a unique geometry for reduced systematic error levels, enough to make them highly competitive to the neutron EDM experiments under current consideration.
Proton EDM
William Morse
Proton EDM
William Morse
11:10 - 11:35
Muon Campus operations for pion
James Morgan
Muon Campus operations for pion
James Morgan
11:35 - 12:00
Open Discussion
Open Discussion
12:00 - 13:00
Wednesday, 26 May 2021
08:00 - 08:05
Particle Beams for the REDTOP Experiment
Mike Syphers
(Northern Illinois University / Fermilab)
Particle Beams for the REDTOP Experiment
Mike Syphers
(Northern Illinois University / Fermilab)
08:05 - 08:17
The existing and possible future facilities available at the Fermilab accelerator complex allow for new experiments aimed at studying rare meson decays with high statistics. The existing Delivery Ring could be modified in order to provide a CW beam with variable energy for producing light mesons in large quantities. PIP-II (at 920 MeV) or a possible new booster synchrotron would enable beams suitable for, respectively, a tagged-𝜂 and a tagged-𝜂' factory. Various possible options will be discussed during the presentation.
800 MeV Resonant Extraction from the Delivery Ring
John Johnstone
800 MeV Resonant Extraction from the Delivery Ring
John Johnstone
08:17 - 08:27
The Physics of REDTOP
Anna Mazzacane
The Physics of REDTOP
Anna Mazzacane
08:27 - 08:39
The 𝜂 and 𝜂′ mesons are almost unique in the particle universe since they are Goldstone boson and the dynamics of their decay are strongly constrained. The integrated eta meson samples collected in earlier experiments have been about ~109 events, dominated by the WASA at Cosy experiment, limiting considerably the search for such rare decays. A new experiment, REDTOP, is being proposed, with the intent of collecting more than 1013 eta/year (1011 eta'/year) for studying of rare 𝜂 decays. Such statistics are sufficient for investigating several symmetry violations, and for searches of new particles beyond the Standard Model. With tagged-eta experiment the fully constrained kinematic of the process will allow for searches of light dark matter with a "Missing 4-momentum technique" which, at present, cannot be exploited by any other existing or proposed experiment. The physics program and the detector for REDTOP will be discussed during the presentation.
The REDTOP Experiment
Corrado Gatto
(INFN and Northern Illinois University)
The REDTOP Experiment
Corrado Gatto
(INFN and Northern Illinois University)
08:39 - 08:50
Sophie Middleton
Sophie Middleton
08:50 - 09:15
Muχe: A Familon Search Experiment Using HPGe Detectors
David Koltick
(Purdue University)
Muχe: A Familon Search Experiment Using HPGe Detectors
David Koltick
(Purdue University)
09:15 - 09:30
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
09:30 - 10:00
Planned Mu2e target test at AP0
Dave Pushka
Planned Mu2e target test at AP0
Dave Pushka
10:00 - 10:25
PIP-II upgrades
Eduard Pozdeyev
PIP-II upgrades
Eduard Pozdeyev
10:25 - 10:50
M^3 "Muon Missing Momentum
Yonatan Kahn
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
M^3 "Muon Missing Momentum
Yonatan Kahn
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
10:50 - 11:15
Muon Beam Experiments to Probe the Dark Sector
Yiming Zhong
(Boston University)
Muon Beam Experiments to Probe the Dark Sector
Yiming Zhong
(Boston University)
11:15 - 11:40
A persistence of several anomalies in muon physics, such as the muon anomalous magnetic moment and the muonic hydrogen Lamb shift, hints at new light particles beyond the Standard Model. We address a subset of these models that have a new light scalar state with sizable couplings to muons and suppressed couplings to electrons. A novel way to search for such particles would be through muon beam-dump experiments by (1) missing momentum searches; (2) searches for decays with displaced vertices. The muon beams available at CERN and Fermilab present attractive opportunities for exploring the new scalar with a mass below the di-muon threshold, and potentially covering a range of relevant candidate models. For the models considered in this paper, both types of signals, muon missing momentum and anomalous energy deposition at a distance, can probe a substantial fraction of the unexplored parameter space of the new light scalar, including a region that can explain the muon anomalous magnetic moment discrepancy.
Open Discussion
Open Discussion
11:40 - 12:40
Thursday, 27 May 2021
08:00 - 08:05
Riccardo Pilato
Riccardo Pilato
08:05 - 08:20
A New Charge Lepton Flavor Violation Program at Fermilab
Bertrand Echenard
A New Charge Lepton Flavor Violation Program at Fermilab
Bertrand Echenard
08:20 - 08:45
The search for charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) has been underway since the discovery of the muon. PIP-II and the Booster Upgrade at Fermilab offer a chance to improve the limits by two orders-of-magnitude and study discoveries. We outline a program based on a new muon facility that can provide both a high-intensity nearly continuous stopped muon beam to study CLFV in muon decay, and a pulsed muon beam using a small muon storage ring to supply a muon-to-electron conversion experiment. The complex would begin using the beam from PIP-II but be designed to increase by a further order-of-magnitude sensitivity with the Booster Upgrade. The combination would provide the world's leading facility to explore the conservation of charged lepton family number.
Status & future Fermilab computing plans for intensity frontier experiments
Adam Lyon
Status & future Fermilab computing plans for intensity frontier experiments
Adam Lyon
08:45 - 09:10
Possibilities for target testing at AP0
Frederique Pellemoine
(Fermilab -AD - TSD - TRD)
Possibilities for target testing at AP0
Frederique Pellemoine
(Fermilab -AD - TSD - TRD)
09:10 - 09:35
09:35 - 10:05
Decays and oscillations of muonium
Alexey Petrov
(Wayne State University)
Decays and oscillations of muonium
Alexey Petrov
(Wayne State University)
10:05 - 10:20
I will discuss muonium decays and muonium-antimuonium oscillations in the framework of effective field theory. I emphasize the complimentary role of muonium studies in searches for New Physics.
DIMUS, possibility of such collider at NML
Vladimir Shiltsev
DIMUS, possibility of such collider at NML
Vladimir Shiltsev
10:20 - 10:35
Physics opportunities at DIMUS
Patrick Fox
Physics opportunities at DIMUS
Patrick Fox
10:35 - 10:50
DIMUS detector challenges and options
Sergo Jindariani
DIMUS detector challenges and options
Sergo Jindariani
10:50 - 11:05
Snowmass process & white papers
Alexey Petrov
(Wayne State University)
Snowmass process & white papers
Alexey Petrov
(Wayne State University)
11:05 - 11:17
Closeout Comments
Jason Crnkovic
(University of Mississippi)
Closeout Comments
Jason Crnkovic
(University of Mississippi)
11:17 - 11:22
Open Discussion time
Open Discussion time
11:22 - 12:22