DUNE Workflow/load Development 8th April 2021 --------------------------------------------- Present: Andrew McNab (AM) (chair/notes), Ken Herner (KH) Elisetta Pennacchio (EP) Mike Kirby (MK) Chris Brew (CB) Apologies: Steve Timm Intro+news ---------- GlideInWMS ---------- - MK: Contacted Brookhaven: they wanted flocking so can submit to local cluster and then overflow to FermiGrid. MK suggested they have a submit node there which goes to DUNE global pool. - Discussion about whether to allow/enable submission via DUNE workload system to private capacity, just for users at that site CMS can do this: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321203194_Connecting_Restricted_High-Availability_or_Low-Latency_Resources_to_a_Seamless_Global_Pool_for_CMS Dangers of fragmentation vs unlocking extra resources for analysis - AM: We should agree a position on this in case sites ask for it. Compare previous private storage vs pledged storage discussions (pledged storage must be centrally managed and registered using RUCIO; files on private storage may also use central tools for management.) User tools (inc jobsub) ----------------------- - KH: Moving to jobsub lite (ditching server side, talks to Condor schedd directly.) Easier to deploy. Currently assumes Kerberos and users that to make proxy (unless you override it.) - MK: Will that use tokens? - KH: I expect so in the future. Should be able to work from laptops with cvmfs already. If a user creates a proxy and tells jobsub to use it, then don't need to use a FNAL Kerberos ticket - AM: Will we stick with jobsub or move analysis users to POMS? - MK: Some analysts have tried POMS. Monitoring is much better. - AM: Is there are command line interface? Expect some analysis users will ask for that for POMS. - KH: Yes. Not used that much. Can submit multijob runs from command line. Workflow/production ------------------- - HEPCloud -------- - MK: Will talk to Andrew Norman today about status for DUNE Pilot Factories --------------- - Other topics (ETF, HEP Score, ...) ---------------------------------- - AOB --- Meetings continue in this slot, 8am CT Thursdays. Some absences in April due to Easter holidays.