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17–18 Jun 2021
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

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Dr Frederique Pellemoine (Fermilab -AD - TSD - TRD)
17/06/2021, 08:00
Cathy Cutler (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Roy Cutler (ORNL)
17/06/2021, 08:30
Dr Yong Dai (Paul Scherrer Institute)
17/06/2021, 09:10
Yu-Lung Chiu (Birmingham University)
17/06/2021, 10:05
Dr Alexander Gottberg (TRIUMF)
17/06/2021, 10:45
Adrien Couet, Prof. Adrien Couet (University of Wisconsin)
17/06/2021, 12:25
Antonino Alessi, Dr Antonino Alessi (Ecole Polytechnique)
17/06/2021, 13:05
Gary Was (University of Michigan), Prof. Gary Was
17/06/2021, 13:45
Dr Frederique Pellemoine (Fermilab -AD - TSD - TRD)
18/06/2021, 08:00
Dr Shin-ichiro Meigo (JAEA)
18/06/2021, 08:30
Dr Clara Grygiel (GANIL)
18/06/2021, 10:05
Nathalie Moncoffre (IP2I), Dr Nathalie Moncoffre (EMIR&A)
18/06/2021, 10:45
Marilena Tomut (GSI)
18/06/2021, 12:25
Dr Jerry Nolen (Argonne National Laboratory)
18/06/2021, 13:05