Hadron Analysis Meeting


Start time: 11:30 AM EST/ 10:30 AM CDT/ 5:30 PM CEST

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Heng-Ye Liao: [email protected]

    • 10:30 10:50
      Round table update/discussion 20m

      Minutes of Hadron analysis meeting [04/29/2021]

      *Participants: Jake Calcutt, David Rivera, Jon Sensenig, Kang Yang, Leigh Whitehead, Libo Jiang, Mattia Fani,
      Richie Diubra, Camillo Mariani, Heng-Ye Liao

      *Time: 10:30-10:45
      *Host: Camillo
      *Minutes taker: Heng-Ye

      Agenda: round-table update

      -Continuously working on fitter, fit validations
      -Continuously working on wrapping up beam systematics, will talk about the work in the systematics meeting
      -Thinking about how to implement Geant4 systematics

      -Working on implementing Jake's fitter on kaon xs analysis
       +Making validation plots
      -Working on charge calibration uncertainties to answer a couple of questions that Josh and Kendell requested
      Camillo: It may be useful to have modules for analyzers to validate their systematics.

      Richie: Jake has already implemented a module for charge calibration systematics.
      Francesca has discussed about what the fitter has with a couple of attenuations, very conservative with 1-sigma error bar.
      Everything has been presented and validated.
      New things have been added. Kendell wants to investigate recombination, the alpha and beta terms.
      Josh and Kendell both want electron lifetime systematics which TingJun and I both do not think this is necessary but we will do the study.

      Camillo: Would be helpful for analyzers if I want to study certain types of systematics. These are all the modules that I have to plugin and run.

      Jake: All systematics that I have been discussed are pretty much in a style of fitter.   
      Generally speaking not optimal but having a framework would be much better. Framework is fine but I am just not able to do that yet.

      Camillo: Having a framework is ideal but always a lot of work.
      At certain points the systematic uncertainties get developed and will be included in the analysis.
      It would be nice to have one place to let the analyzers to have a guidance for systematic uncertainties.
      For example, here is a presentation, a piece of code there, and this is what you should expected.
      We have different people doing different alanysis. People investigated systematics, calibration, ...
      We need to think about how to bring these things together.

      Jake: Definitely having a document to explain the ways to do it (systematics) would be good to have.

      Camillo: Can be a bullet-point list, the links to the details of the presentations in the systematic uncertainties meeting

      -Recently not involving too much in ProtoDUNE
      -Stefan is working on TKI using protons and would make updates later
       (note from Heng-Ye: Stefan is working on TKI using protons with Xianguo & Leigh)

      -Proton beam would be Stefan's focus in the coming months
       At the moment Stefan has a class but will be over shortly.
       He will start coming to this meeting.

      -Removing muon background using Michael score
       Applied Michael score on new sample that Jake produced last month.
       Michael score seems not behave well as expected. If we apply this cut on the new sample,
       it not only cut out the muon background but also cut away the pion inelastic interacting events.
       Need to discuss with Jake and Francesca in more details.
      -Unfolding to extract XS (working with Tingjun)

      -Working on the fit, incorporating with reweighting
       Should be able to present the results soon.

      -Working on the thick-slice approach for protons

      Minutes sent by email
      1) We did not have a systematics meeting this week, the next one is next Tuesday with a full agenda: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1034213/
      2) I’m busy implementing the XS measurement with eSlice and accounting for BG’s and efficiencies of reco and smearing.