EF08: BSM: Model specific explorations: Anomalies (g-2, etc) chat


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    • 1
      heavy NP explanations of g-2 for future measurements (e.g. Z->mumu, muon EDM, etc.).
      Speaker: Andreas Crivellin (PSI & UZH)
    • 2
      Anomalous muon magnetic moment, supersymmetry, naturalness, LHC search limits and the landscape
      Speaker: Howard Baer (University of Oklahoma)
    • 3
      The new "MUON G-2" Result and Supersymmetry
      Speaker: Sven Heinemeyer (IFT (CSIC, Madrid))
    • 4
      Probing muon philic forces at a muon collide
      Speaker: Dr Rodolfo Capdevilla (Perimeter Institute and University of Toronto)
    • 5
      Discussion - what should we try to include in the report?
      Speaker: all