Sure, if the standard model were electro flavor, universal, then, then the normal match right I mean, imagine that you had a standard model where every, all the the masses were the same, so the Higgs, your covers were the same for the leptons, why does that mean that the anomalous magnetic moment would go to zero. No that wouldn't be the same as the electron, and we know that the electron one is much smaller than the muon one, but sorry, the Higgs contribution in the standard model to a mew is negligible really yeah its contribution is negligible, and this is one way you say it breaks leptons universe without the Higgs, there wouldn't be a laptop mass, everything, and without electron mass they wouldn't be t minus two. Okay. Can I can I make a comment and I mean notional machine I think I agree with you that to say issues are separate on the one hand there's a question of whether or not the Crowley flippin g minus two comes from the Milano from new physics sources, but totally separate from that there's the question of whether you have flavor effects and correlated effects in other leptons and whether that's g minus two or or MUTYH gamma or other kinds of decays it's all kind of under the same umbrella if you have something like mSv then you kind of don't have those things and if you have not MFE then maybe you have them into some degree or you probably do, or whatever, but that's a separate question of whether or not you have a have a BSN crowdy flip in the G minus two loop. Wow, right like that completely different questions. No, they don't have to be related. Right. Exactly. I agree. Okay.