DUNE Workflow/load Development 27th May 2021 -------------------------------------------- https://indico.fnal.gov/event/ Present: Andrew McNab (AM) (chair/notes), Fergus Wilson (FW) Ken Herner (KH) Mike Kirby (MK) Steve Timm (ST) Elisetta Pennacchio (EP) Doug Benjamin (DB) Intro+news ---------- GlideInWMS/HTCondor ------------------- - Doug gettting ready to submit to global pool via their schedd - Can we do some test submissions from sites that just have cvmfs and maybe access to FNAL kerberos? -- Could use kx509 or a long lived certificate from an external CA -- Would need to be to existing pool for now - OSG Hackathon next week (mostly CMS), how to deal with tokens. ST will report back. User tools ---------- - Meeting next week about jobsub, jobsub lite Workflow/production ------------------- - Next update CDR with status and gaps document agreed last week at Collaboration Meeting - Integrating MetaCat? - Data Dispatcher design doc: has everyone had a look? Please look and have a think for next week https://docs.google.com/document/d/16a_Rx88_xllwM41v9wRMfXQwIo9SjnJBE2Ig-8cakiU/edit?usp=sharing - What work on remote reading and monitoring of that? Students with Heidi and Steve have looked at this HEPCloud -------- - Waiting for DOE proposal outcome that included HEPCloud Pilot Factories --------------- - Other topics ------------ AOB --- Meetings continue in this slot, 8am CT Thursdays.