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LArSoft Coordination Meeting




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Release and project report

  • Announced that e19 builds are being dropped as of next release (after this week)



Robert Hatcher: Recent changes to nugen and nusimdata

  • In preparation for Genie v3.02.00

  • New features in Genie v3.02.00

    • Event library interface from Chris Backhouse

      • Essentially, an interface to alternate generator, where result is then treated as Genie event

      • Leverages Genie interface for geometry and flux driver

    • New comprehensive Model Configurations and tunes

      • CMC list provided

      • More models beyond these, not all of which are incorporated in sanctioned CMCs

      • Tunes: re-fits with data

        • eg, G18_10a_02_11a is deprecated in favor of G18_10a_02_11b

  • A few changes impact nugen and nusimdata

    • Some breaking API / encoding changes. [Later clarified that no user-facing interfaces change]

    • PDG code for resonances updated to new std encoding (per 2019?)

      • Example provided

      • Could impact users looking at event record rather than enum code

      • Also if using old files against newer PDG data table to look up names

      • Neither likely to be a common problem for people because it involves an unusual workflow

    • IsCoherent

      • Interface change

    • Addition to Genie XclsTag clalss (carried over to nusimdata GTruth)

      • New code versions should be ok with old data, but not necessarily the reverse

    • Need for later (post-tune determination) filling of PDG data table

      • No impact to users.

  • Background info: Genie's units and use of time

    • Genie interaction Vertex 4-position (meters, seconds)

      • T includes time from flux window to interaction point, and from any time given by flux driver (ie, proton-on-target to flux window)

        • the latter is non-zero for dk2nu and new versions of gsimple

      • Illustrated

        • Flux driver time from proton

        • Genie from flux window

    • Particles in the event record: distance in fm, (new) time in yoctoseconds (10^-24))

      • Distance is relative to nucleus at interaction vertex

        • T was never set, even for delayed decays

        • Now propagation times and decay times are recorded

          • So decayed particles are offset in time and space

      • Showed example event record dump showing times and distances

  • NuGen / NuSimData MCTruth's use of time

    • MCTruth units (cm, ns)

      • Genie Vertex.T() was ignored. Now optionally considered (default off)

        • Controlled by GENIEHelper fcl param AddGenieVtxTime

        • If including proton-on-target to interaction point, one may need to adjust overall global time offset to make data and MC overlay again

          • If new feature is on, then people using GlobalTimeOffset need to be aware of this change so as to avoid double counting time. The GlobalTimeOffset is a fixed value. Does not change event to event

        • No changes to experiment code is necessary

        • Illustration of GlobalTimeOffset

    • Trajectory position of particles with status code !=0 & !=1 was previously "funky" (ie, treated in inconsistent manner)

      • Not converted to lab (cm) frame -- remained in fm (unnecessarily)

        • True info is also in GVtx variable, so no need for special handling to recover Genie event record

        • Now all trajectory points in cm. Breaking, but few is any should care if using the above workaround

      • Illustrated times

    • GENIE2ART::FillMCTRuth allowed specifying offset -- though no one should have been using this

      • Used to injet "beam structure"

      • Position was meant eventually for randomizing geometry-less interactions in a far detector

      • Units were unclear. Now MCTruth units (cm, ns)



  • Timeline?

    • Paper on new features out by end of May (current target)

    • v3.02 scheduled to be out on about the same timescale, so May or June. Possibly July if something slips

    • Noted that these changes to nugen and nusimdata can go in right away. Do not need to wait for Genie v3.02 release

  • Krzysztof Genser

    • [a technical question that I did not follow...]

    • Handling of tau decays?

      • Working on this separately. Generalized for charm. Working on same scheme for LArSoft and edep-sim. Just need to construct a scheme to ensure proper library is loaded to allow this to be enabled

      • Integration to LArSoft is essentially there, but not fully tested. The way to pull in the code is not in a good state. But library just needs to get loaded to make it into the physics list. Do not have a means to optionally do this that is "pretty". Right now just a module that does this.

      • Prospects for porting this back to Geant proper?

        • for LArSoft use, should be straight forward. Needs testing to make sure get right behavior. And ensure proper linkage

  • Logistics?

    • Branches in Redmine repos for nugen and nusimdata

    • Interface changes are embedded in code that is not user facing

    • One feature, AddGenieVtxTime, SBN/SBND want to get this time variation accounted for.

      • Gianluca has a redmine ticket about this, and is interested in the solution.

      • Making available would allow him to play with it.

      • Likely to be an early adopter

    • Lynn Garren: as soon as this week's release is done, then will make a test release using the new newgen / nusimdata

    • Needs branch names.

      • Robert will update slides with that, and send the names to Lynn and Erica

      • feature/rhatcher_genie_30200 on nugen and nusimdata repositories

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