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ldmx-sw Course: Basics





Below are the items you need to have already installed on your computer to follow along with these instructions.

  • Container-Running Program
    • Usually docker is used for personal computers and singularity is installed on shared clusters
  • git version control
    • 12:00 12:10
      Introduction 10m

      How is ldmx-sw designed? What are the core principles?

    • 12:10 12:30
      Compiling ldmx-sw 20m

      Demonstration on how to compile ldmx-sw using the standardized container workflow.

    • 12:30 12:35
      Questions from Demonstration 5m
    • 12:35 13:00
      Configuration Scripts 25m

      The "steering" file for ldmx-sw is called a "configuration" script. What is its core structure? How can we write one?

      Demonstration of what running a short simulation looks like using the build of ldmx-sw we just made.

    • 13:00 13:05
      Questions from Demonstration 5m
    • 13:05 13:25
      Python-Based Analyses 20m

      How can we use these generated event files in python? This demonstration will show you how I've start python-based analyses.

    • 13:25 13:40
      Questions from Demonstration 15m
    • 13:40 13:50
      C++ Processors 10m

      Introduction to C++ Processors. What are they and why would you use them instead of keeping everything in python?

    • 13:50 14:00
      General Questions 10m