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ldmx-sw Course: Advanced Methods





I simply assume a familiarity with ldmx-sw. For those attendees who have only just started working on LDMX (and only have attended the "Basics" course), much of this material may be over your head. Don't be discouraged, it will be helpful to have seen this material before if you end up needing to use it in the future.

    • 12:00 13:00
      Overview 1h

      Go through a selection of "advanced methods" that are already apart of ldmx-sw. This overview is mainly just to make you aware of the different methods available to you and is not meant to teach you how to use any of them individually.

    • 13:00 13:20
      Breather after Long Lecture 20m

      Also helpful for accounting for questions that may pop up.

    • 13:20 13:40
      Developing for ldmx-sw 20m

      Standards that we have gotten used to that are helpful for you to know when attempting to help develop the ldmx-sw codebase.
      - git submodule nonsense
      - code formatting
      - pull request workflow

    • 13:40 14:00
      Q&A 20m