Over the course of recent runs, the KOTO Experiment has collected 1.8 million $K_L\rightarrow3\pi^0$ decay events yielding an incredible amount of virtually background-free $\pi^0$ decay data. This offers an opportunity to study $\pi^0$ decay to make a precision measurement of the $\pi^0$ Dalitz decay branching ratio. The E14 KOTO detector provides an excellent means of identifying $\pi^0$ Dalitz decay with a 2576 crystal CsI calorimeter covered by a plastic scintillator charged particle detector. To identify $\pi^0$ Dalitz decay I will study 6 cluster decay events with energy deposits on the charged particle detector and compare them with a dataset of simulated $K_L\rightarrow3\pi^0$ events using Geant4 to perform a measurement of the branching ratio.