The primary goal of the Muon $g-2$ experiment at Fermilab (E989) is to measure the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_{\mu}$, to a precision of 140 ppb. This anomaly receives contributions from all sectors of the Standard Model (SM), and beyond, via loop diagrams at the muon-photon vertex. As such, any divergence of $a_{\mu}$ from the SM is indirect evidence of new physics. In April this year the E989 collaboration unblinded and published an exciting first result: a measurement of $a_{\mu}$ using data comprising a small subset of the target total data set. This combined with the previous best measurement of $a_{\mu}$ from Brookhaven (BNL) results in a $4.2\sigma$ tension with the SM at a precision of 350 ppb. This talk presents an overview of Muon $g-2$: it’s experimental principles, status, and prospects. In addition, the experiment’s secondary physics goal, a search for a muon electric dipole moment, will be discussed.