16–19 Aug 2021
US/Central timezone

Status of the muon neutrino charged-current coherent pion production in the NOvA near detector

19 Aug 2021, 09:45


Chatura Kuruppu (University Of South Carolina)



Neutrino cross sections are an essential component to any neutrino measurement. With the modern neutrino experiments targeting to measure precision parameters, such as those in long-baseline oscillation experiments like NOvA, the need for a detailed understanding of neutrino interactions has become even more important. Among the neutrino-nucleus interactions, Charged Current Coherent pion production is currently poorly understood. This talk will give an overview of the status of the Charged Current-Coherent Pion Production (CC-Coh Pion) analysis conducted with NOvA near detector based at Fermilab. Since the NOvA experiment uses a beam with energy 1-5 GeV, the results of this analysis will be relevant for future experiments in this energy range, like DUNE.

Primary author

Chatura Kuruppu (University Of South Carolina)

Presentation materials