Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wed, Jan 15th from 7-7:30am CST due to server maintenance.

Aug 2 – 6, 2021
US/Central timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Early-career scientists and non-scientists can register and submit abstracts for the virtual poster session here. Since the session will be virtual, we are hoping to be able to accept all submitted abstracts, but they will still be reviewed and selected by members of the Users Executive Committee (UEC) and Fermilab Student & Postdoc Association (FSPA). The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to July 26th, but please submit abstracts earlier if you can.

Poster preparation

  • Your poster should be A0 size and landscape (horizontal) orientation.
  • The font size should be large enough so as to be readable when the entire poster is scaled to fit a laptop screen.
  • Graphs and other images should be high resolution.
  • Please request a CONF, POSTER, and/or SLIDES report number from Fermilab's preprint numbering system and UPLOAD it. This is a DOE/FRA contractual requirement.
  • Please upload your poster PDF to Indico using the functionality to add presentation materials to your abstract, once accepted. We will provide more detailed instructions on how to do this in your abstract acceptance email.

Judging criteria

  • A review panel will judge the posters by looking at the uploaded PDF beforehand and then asking questions during the virtual poster session.
  • Contestants must be able to explain the content of the poster. The judging panel may include non-scientists from Fermilab so you should be prepared to explain elements of your poster to a broad audience.
  • To be entered into the poster contest, at least one poster presenter should be available to present your poster during the poster session, currently scheduled for the last session (12 pm CDT) on Monday, August 2nd.

General information

  • The virtual poster session will be on Monday, August 2nd from 12 pm to 1:15 pm.
  • Additional details on the format of the poster session will be provided after registration.
  • Awards are given to the best three posters.
The call for abstracts is closed.