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Minutes of pMSSM scan meeting
July 7, 2021
Scan size
~600 threads
20,000,000 total points
File storage may become an issue
Try compressing slha files:
** Jennet will try pickle, gzip, branch in root tree
Cluster usage
lxplus - condor wall time too low for
cmslpc - follow up with computing experts about wall times
** Andrew - check TTU wall times
Sven: mh calculation unreliable for Mgluino >~ (2-3) * Mstop (for MStop >~ 2 TeV)
Check: have we populated this region in current scan?
One solution: change the limit on Mgluino to depend on Mstop
Better solution: require uncertainty on mh to be not too high.
** Jennet will try 5 GeV
Width of Gaussian
Choose width so that enough points have strong decoupling
Simplest condition: tune width so that (fraction of points with hadronic mass params > X) = desired percentage
Check to make sure fraction remains reasonable for alternate definitions of “decoupling”
Plot mass of lightest hadronic state
Including muon g-2 in likelihood
Current scan does NOT include Delta a_mu in the likelihood and does not populate measured g-2 at all (~220 on x-axis of plot on slide 5)
Try scanning with/without Delta a_mu in likelihood
Look at the impact on mass of lightest slepton
** Nadja and Sophie will work on this
Potential anti-correlation of parameters in likelihood
Make some 2D plots to check
Discussion of absolute mass scale vs. relative mass scale
Maybe we can just plot both