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Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

Upstream DAQ Tech meeting

    • 07:00 07:15
      Current sprint 15m

      dunedaq-2.8.0 / FW-2.0.0

      Main objectives
      - TPG chain
      - Ethernet readout (only software for now)

      Speakers: Ivana Hristova (STFC RAL), Jim Brooke, Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Dr Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Roland Sipos (CERN), Stoyan Trilov
    • 07:15 07:30
      Readout (FW & SW) 15m

      Technical developments & future plans on Readout Subsystem.

      Speakers: Antony Earle (University of Sussex), Filiberto Bonini (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Mr Florian Grotschla (CERN), Ivana Hristova (STFC RAL), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Roland Sipos (CERN), Shyam Bhuller (University of Bristol)

      felix-pie (A.Thea and T.Earle)

      • Made a test project with integrated dummy processing pod featuring 32baxis sinks for each link so link data goes to both CR and a 32baxis sink.
      • Currently working on reading sinks using ipbus
      • When 32baxis sinks and 32baxis wibulator are merged to master, will add 32baxis wibulator to generate 6th link data for readout
      • if successful will start on processing pod integration


    • 07:30 07:45
      Trigger Primitives (FW & SW) 15m

      Technical developments & future plans on TP specific firmware and software.

      Speakers: Antony Earle (University of Sussex), Ivana Hristova (STFC RAL), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Kunal Kothekar

      TP simulation and readout (I. Hristova)

      - tags ready for intermediate firmware release v1.2.0: dtp-simulation, dtp-patterns

      - 32b axis patterns ready for WIB2 data reception tests by Mattia, Francesco

      - ongoing: producing TP binary file in the new format for the readout where the

      pedestal frame includes the number of hits found and is located before the hit frames

    • 07:45 08:00
      Timing 15m

      Technical developments & future plans

      Speakers: David Cussans (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov

      Firmware for release 2.8

      • Testing underway on "MAC from PROM" branch. 
        • Tested so far:
          • Enclustra + FMC
          • Enclustra + FIB
          • TLU (note - bug on return path endpoint --> master still present)
          • AFC + FIB
            • RARP packets don't seem to be getting through MCH. Will back out to fixed IP. AFC not needed for 2.8 so not a problem at the moment
        • To be tested:
          • Fanout

      Firmware development

      • Porting to Digilent Nexsys Video has hit snags (subtle timing issues) but progressing
      • ... once done will move to firmware for MIB


      • Integration of partition control with run control continues.
      • More editing to move s/ware to DUNE DAQ coding conventions
      • FIB support added.


      • An Enclustra+FMC will be sent to CERN to act as HSI 
        • May be used for DTS -- WR tests
      • Rails to support uTCA crate need to be sourced.


      • Need to finalize plans for DTS -- WR tests




    • 08:00 08:15
      Integration 15m

      Integration status at:
      - CERN
      - Bristol
      - UPenn
      - ICEBERG

      Speakers: Kunal Kothekar, Roland Sipos (CERN), Shyam Bhuller (University of Bristol)

      Bristol Test Stand:

      What has been done:

       - tested felix v1_1_2 with register changes (fdaq)

       - tested felix software suite distribution (separate build to ups product) and compare results

       - tested newer felixpy build with readout

      - Analyze the captures taken with 2.6. Summary: Report on recording the data with DUNEDAQ v2.6

       What needs to be done:

      - test the firmware 1.2 release with zcu102.

      - check felix configuration, read from more than elink 0 (can only read from elink 0 using zcu102 as data source)

    • 08:15 08:20
      AOB 5m