6–13 Aug 2021
US/Central timezone

Evans CV

Justin Evans – Curriculum Vitae


Employment and education

07/2019 – present: Professor of Particle Physics, University of Manchester

07/2016 – 07/2019: Senior Lecturer in Physics, University of Manchester

07/2012 – 07/2016: Lecturer in Physics, University of Manchester

02/2008 – 07/2012: Post-doctoral researcher, University College London

10/2004 – 02/2008: DPhil in experimental particle physics, University of Oxford

10/2000 – 10/2004: 1st class MPhys degree, University of Oxford

Research Interests

My research interests span long- and short-baseline neutrino physics, and the search for neutrinoless double-β decay.

On the DUNE experiment, I am joint technical lead of APA Consortium, overseeing the construction of all APAs for the DUNE-HD module and ProtoDUNE-2. In the UK, I lead the £20M APA construction project that will produce the majority of these APAs, as well as having produced APAs for ProtoDUNE-SP.

I convene the MicroBooNE Oscillations working group, which is performing short-baseline searches for low-energy excesses of electron neutrinos and single-photon events, to investigate the previous excesses observed by MiniBooNE.

On the SuperNEMO neutrinoless double-β decay experiment, I lead the construction and commissioning of the tracking detector, having provided the Geiger tracking cells and the front-end readout electronics. I am also active in the analysis of data from the NEMO-3 experiment.

I previously worked on the MINOS and MINOS+ experiments, where I was Physics Coordinator and led a number of working groups. My work included precision measurements of Δm232 and θ23, the first direct measurements of these parameters for antineutrinos, and long-baseline searches for sterile neutrinos.

Leadership and Management

2020 – present Joint technical lead of the DUNE APA consortium

2020 – present Member of the DUNE Technical Board

2019 – present Convener of the MicroBooNE Oscillation working group

2018 – present Elected UK representative to the SBN (Fermilab Short Baseline Neutrino programme)

Oversight Board

2018 – present Work package leader of the í20M UK project to produce APAs for the DUNE Far Detector.

2018 – present Member of the SuperNEMO Steering

2018 – 2019 Member of the MicroBooNE speakers committee

2017 – present UK PI of SuperNEMO.

2016 – 2018 Leader of the DUNE TPC Design working group.

2015 – 2019 BSc Programme Director, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester.

2015 – 2018 Work Package Leader of the UK ProtoDUNE APA construction

2014 – present Elected member of the Executive Committee of the international MINOS collaboration

2014 – 2019 Leader of the UK anode plane construction project for the SBND-UK collaboration

2013 – present Leader of the SuperNEMO tracker electronics production work package.

2013 – present Member of the Technical Board of the SuperNEMO collaboration

2012 – present Member of the Institutional Board of the international MINOS collaboration.

2012 – present Member of the Institutional Board of the international SuperNEMO collaboration.

2013 – 2018 Leader of the SuperNEMO Tracker Cell Production work package.

2015 – 2018 Convener of the Analysis Group of the PINGU project

2014 – 2016 Physics Coordinator of the MINOS

2013 – 2015 Convener of the international MINOS sterile-neutrino analysis group (20 physicists).

2010 – 2013 Convener of the MINOS muon-neutrino analysis group.

2009 – 2010 Convener of the MINOS antineutrino analysis group.

2009 – 2010 Convener of the MINOS charged-current physics group.


Academic and Professional Standing

2020 Chair of the STFC review of the UK accelerator programme for the period 2021-2025, making recommendations to the STFC executive on a í14M programme.

2019 Chair of the Particle Physics Grants Panel (PPGP) of STFC, making recommendations to the

STFC executive on particle physics grant applications, allocating around í15M each year.

2019 Chair of the STFC review of the GridPP programme for the period 2019 – 2024, making recommendations on a í10.5M programme.

2019 Member of the STFC / BEIS UK Committee on CERN.

2018 PhD examiner at Université Paris Diderot, France.

2018 PhD examiner at CPPM, Marseilles, France.

2018 PhD examiner at Queen Mary University of London.

2018 – present Member of the Peer Review College for UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships.

2017 – present Member of Promotions Committee, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester.

2015 – 2019 Member of the IoP Astroparticle Physics Committee.

2015 – 2019 Core member of the Particle Physics Grants Panel (PPGP) of STFC.

2014 – present Reviewer of Ernest Rutherford Fellowship applications for STFC.

2017 PhD examiner at University of Sheffield.

2017 MSc examiner at University of Bristol.

2016 PhD examiner at University of Sussex.

2016 PhD examiner at University of Sheffield.

2016 PhD examiner at Queen Mary University of London.

2014 Awarded the IoP High Energy Particle Physics Group Prize for outstanding contributions to Particle Physics.

2013 – 2015 Member of the Particle Physics Grants Panel (PPGP) of STFC.

2014 Reviewer, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada.


2020 – present Year 3 tutor in the University of Manchester Department of Physics.

2020 – present Course leader of year 1 Mathematics 1, University of Manchester Department of Physics

2018 – 2020 Course leader of year 1 Dynamics, University of Manchester Department of Physics

2015 – 2019 BSc Programme Director, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester.

2014 – 2019 Course leader of year 3 Particle Physics, University of Manchester

2012 – 2018 Course leader of year 4 Frontiers of Particle Physics II, University of Manchester

Research student supervision

2021 – Luciano Arellano, PhD

2018 – Aditya Bhanderi, PhD

2018 – 2019 Jing Yuan Shi, MSc

2016 – 2022 Edward Birdsall, PhD

2015 – 2019 Rui Chen, PhD

2013 – 2017 Steven Wren, PhD

2012 – 2016 Ashley Timmons, PhD

2014 – 2015 Davide Porzio, MSc