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Snowmass Muon Collider Forum


The meeting is dedicated to physics and technology of a 125 GeV mu+mu- Higgs factory. 

Join Zoom Meeting LINK


    • 10:00 10:10
      News 10m
      Speakers: Derun Li (LBNL), Diktys Stratakis (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory), Fabio Maltoni (Universite' catholique de Louvain), Kevin Black, Patrick Meade (Stony Brook University), Sergo Jindariani (FNAL)
    • 10:10 10:40
      Physics at the 125 GeV Muon Collider 30m
      Speaker: Zhen Liu (FErmi national accelerator lab)
    • 10:40 11:10
      Technology: from 125 GeV to multi-TeV Muon Collider 30m
      Speaker: Mark Palmer (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 11:10 11:30
      125-GeV Higgs Factory Magnet Protection and Machine-Detector Interface 20m
      Speaker: Nikolai Mokhov (Fermilab)