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g-2 Target Working Group

Penthouse (Booster West Tower 2nd floor) (Universe)

Penthouse (Booster West Tower 2nd floor)


Meeting Minutes:

Dec 7, 2011


1) Dan Wolff presented an estimate of what it takes to modify the lens and pmag power supply to make them work for g-2 pulsing scenario of 12Hz operation.  This will be 16 pulses at 10msec separation with at cycle delay of 1.33sec.   Presented were 2 upgrades for the power supplies 1) a Demand Charge methode and 2) Charge transfer method.  The Charge transfer methode is the one that is being more considered.  The estimate for cost of modification for the lens is  $67k with an option to purchase a 13.8kv transformer at $80k to not have influence on the line due to pulse rate.  The estimated cost for the pulsed magnet (pmag) is $15 if a pusled magnet approach is taken.

Valeri Lebedev presented a way to potentialy increase the production of pions by at least a factor of 2.  He suggested adding or breaking the quads upstream of the target hall into a triplet providing for a smaller spot size on the target.  The motivation is since the energy is lower on the target than for pbar production the potenial damge to the target due to smaller spot is less and effect.  The target would be then changes to a thin ~ 1 to 5mm slice of higher z material.  Of course all this needs much work and simiulation behind it.  Nikolai was asked to provide a MARS run for next meeting that would simulate Valeris ideas.

Dean presented a preliminary use of the the miniboone style horn as an option disccused the week before as a possible collection process and upgrade for g-2.  He found that the horn and target are too physically big for the target vault enclosure.  The horm power supply is also too big to fit at AP0.  The cost of both horn and power supply and modifications to AP0 would be upwards of $2000K and mostly like is NOT a good option for g-2 based on time and cost.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 09:30 09:50
      Lithium Lens Power Supply Modifications 20m
      Speaker: Mr Dan Wolff (Fermilab)
    • 09:50 10:10
      Modifications to g-2 Target System (Option 1) with Increased Production 20m
      Speaker: Dr Valeri Lebedev (Fermilab)
    • 10:10 10:30
      Investigation of using a Miniboone Style Horn for g-2 Target System (Option 3) 20m
      Speaker: Still