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Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

Upstream DAQ Tech meeting

    • 07:00 07:15
      Current sprint 15m

      dunedaq-2.8.0 / FW-2.0.0

      Main objectives
      - TPG chain
      - Ethernet readout (only software for now)

      Speakers: Ivana Hristova (STFC RAL), Jim Brooke, Dr Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Roland Sipos (CERN), Stoyan Trilov
    • 07:15 07:30
      Readout (FW & SW) 15m

      Technical developments & future plans on Readout Subsystem.

      Speakers: Antony Earle (University of Sussex), Filiberto Bonini (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Mr Florian Grotschla (CERN), Ivana Hristova (STFC RAL), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Roland Sipos (CERN), Shyam Bhuller (University of Bristol)


      -Started integrating hitfinder block into felix project

      -Initial builds are failing timing. Previous projects required quite restrictive placement practices inside the logic to achieve timing closure. Now looking at replicating this for the hitfinder blocks, (central router, ipbus master and PCIe resources already placed)


      Firmware (26/9/2021)

      -new TP format: had some iterations with Ivana and fixed a couple of bugs on th sw side. There are still a couple of patterns where fw&sw do not completely match. Investigation ongoing.

      -Intermediate release: fixed bug in Data Reception that was causing hw tests to fail. Tests were redone and now all sim/hw tests pass.
      There is a possible reset issue in the Data Reception state machine. Currently looking into this before continuing with the release. 

    • 07:30 07:45
      Trigger Primitives (FW & SW) 15m

      Technical developments & future plans on TP specific firmware and software.

      Speakers: Antony Earle (University of Sussex), Ivana Hristova (STFC RAL), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Kunal Kothekar

      Firmware Release v1.2:

      - We encountered bugs in wibulator/data-reception modules, the debugging is going on and we are optimistic that we have identified and fixed it.

      - The hardware tests ( on zcu102) are in progress and as soon as we get a satisfactory result we will be ready with the release. ( expected timescale: early next week)

      - The status can be tracked here: Firmware testing progress


      TP readout software (I. Hristova)

      - latest update (26th August): working on converter from old to new hit format, ongoing,

      to be finished by end of this week

      - working on TP overlay (using new hit format + options to handle old hit format)

      - branch in DUNE-DAQ/readout on Tuesday

      - since then streamlined overlay interface and other improvements -> will push them to the branch

      - stitching algorithm implemented: firmware hits -> trigger primitives -> trigger primitive sets

    • 07:45 08:00
      Timing 15m

      Technical developments & future plans

      Speakers: David Cussans (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov

      v2.8 software release out:

      Included features:
          1. 50/62.5 MHz builds
          2. Basic run control integration
          2. FIB+AFC support
          2. DUNE coding style improvements
          3. PD-I timing fanout units support

      Post software release firmware validation on-going


      Looking towards next release:

      PD-II style hardware support

      Tighter RC integration

      Firmware changes are upcoming - support

      New board carrier support 

      Automated testing


      Nexus video firmware port on-going

    • 08:00 08:15
      Integration 15m

      Integration status at:
      - CERN
      - Bristol
      - UPenn
      - ICEBERG

      Speakers: Kunal Kothekar, Roland Sipos (CERN), Shyam Bhuller (University of Bristol)
    • 08:15 08:20
      AOB 5m