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Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

Upstream DAQ Tech meeting

    • 07:00 07:15
      Current sprint 15m

      dunedaq-2.8.0 / FW-2.0.0

      Main objectives
      - TPG chain
      - Ethernet readout (only software for now)

      Speakers: Ivana Hristova (STFC RAL), Jim Brooke, Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Dr Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Roland Sipos (CERN), Stoyan Trilov
    • 07:15 07:30
      Readout (FW & SW) 15m

      Technical developments & future plans on Readout Subsystem.

      Speakers: Antony Earle (University of Sussex), Filiberto Bonini (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Mr Florian Grotschla (CERN), Ivana Hristova (STFC RAL), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Roland Sipos (CERN), Shyam Bhuller (University of Bristol)


      • Tried to implement wibulator module in dummy pod block to test central router readout from the pod but hit major timing issues
      • Timing issues resolved after re-clocking reset signals causing the issue in the pod
      • Built dummy pod felix build and loaded onto test card
      • Currently working on test script to get wibulator to fire data to central router to check readout


      Firmware (K. Manolopoulos)

      • Intermediate fw release (v1.2.0): reset issue in Data Reception found and fixed. Hw tests now pass ok.
        • Taken this opportunity for a small cleanup
      • New TP fw format: fw changes finished. FW results in good agreement with sw, but not at 100%. Looking into possible fw/sw bugs 
      • WIB2 Unpacker work ongoing
    • 07:30 07:45
      Trigger Primitives (FW & SW) 15m

      Technical developments & future plans on TP specific firmware and software.

      Speakers: Antony Earle (University of Sussex), Ivana Hristova (STFC RAL), Konstantinos Manolopoulos (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Kunal Kothekar

      TP readout software (I. Hristova)

      - working on standalone TP readout application: stitching algorithm, TPSet creation 

      - added conversion from old to new hit format - DONE

      - next steps:

        - testing with predefined hit patterns

        - suggestion to record binary files at the Bristol test stand, using fdaq

    • 07:45 08:00
      Timing 15m

      Technical developments & future plans

      Speakers: David Cussans (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov
      • firmware port nexus video board progressing, debugging issue with rx path


      • v2.8.0 software out
      • firmware to be tagged this week


      • towards next release:
        • support for new hardware 
        • support for firmware evolution
        • RC integration


      • work on MIB firmware will start next week
        • Will allow FIB+AFC data/clock path tests
    • 08:00 08:15
      Integration 15m

      Integration status at:
      - CERN
      - Bristol
      - UPenn
      - ICEBERG

      Speakers: Kunal Kothekar, Roland Sipos (CERN), Shyam Bhuller (University of Bristol)
    • 08:15 08:20
      AOB 5m