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Scientific Seminars

[Astro] A Galactic Census of Minor Bodies: What Are They, How Do They Form, and Where Do They Come From?

by Dr Darryl Seligman (University of Chicago)


Oumuamua (I1 2017) was the first macroscopic body observed to traverse the inner Solar System on an unbound hyperbolic orbit, making it the first interstellar object ever detected up close. `Oumuamua’s light curve displayed strong periodic variation, and it showed no hint of a coma or emission from molecular outgassing. Astrometric measurements indicate that `Oumuamua experienced non-gravitational acceleration on its outbound trajectory, but energy balance arguments indicate this acceleration is inconsistent with a water ice sublimation-driven jet. In the first part of this talk, I will show that all of `Oumaumua's observed properties can be explained if it contained a significant fraction of molecular hydrogen ice. I show that H2-rich bodies plausibly form in the coldest dense cores of Giant Molecular Clouds. I assess the near-term prospects for detecting and observing (both remotely and in-situ) future solar system visitors of this type. In the second part of this talk, I investigate the  dynamical transfer of Centaurs into the inner Solar System, facilitated by mean motion resonances with Jupiter and Saturn. The recently discovered object, P/2019 LD2, will transition from the Centaur region to the inner Solar System in 2063. In order to contextualize LD2, I perform N-body simulations of a population of Centaurs and JFCs. The simulations show that there may be additional LD2-like objects transitioning into the inner Solar System in the near-term future, all of which have low ΔV with respect to Jupiter. I demonstrate that a spacecraft stationed near Jupiter would be well-positioned to rendezvous, orbit match, and accompany LD2 into the inner Solar System, providing an opportunity to observe the onset of intense activity in a pristine comet in situ.