David Adams is moving on from DUNE, and Etienne Chardonnet just defended his thesis.  We are in need of help with software management staffing.

We are still cleaning up little problems seen after we moved to art v3.0.9 and cetbuildtools 8 and mrb 5.  mrb is set up by default in the /cvmfs/dune.opensciencegrid.org/products/dune/setup_dune.sh

Tom updated garsoft and it seems fine.  There is a lingering problem with protoduneana in that the PROTODUNEANA_FQ_DIR is not set properly, which affects the setting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  There is a feature branch for protoduneana.

The getByLabel data accessors are "obsolete" but not deprecated, so they don't cause compiler warnings (which get turned into error) yet.  We have quite a few of them however.  There are replacements, but it takes some hand-fixing -- not easy to script that.  The getMayByType accessor method was deprecated and that too had to be fixed by hand, but there were not too many of these.

There is some problem building dunetpc in develop with the latest cetbuildtools -- Etienne notified scisoft and they are investigating.