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Tianlai Analysis Teleconference



  1. Tianlai/BAORadio collaboration meeting planning - Xuelei & Peter
  2. WIYN/Hydra observing proposal (due October 15)
  3. Other topics? 

Tianlai/BAORadio Collaboration Meeting Draft Agenda (as of Sept 29)

Jixia Li: Hardware status
Shijie Sun: EM simulation for the cylinder
Kaifeng Yu: Imaging simulation for the cylinder
Shifan Zuo: Map making for the cylinder
Yanping Cong: RFI analysis of the data
Furen Deng: Beam Forming pipeline
Zijie Yu: De-Dispersion System for FRB
Yingfeng Liu(5min talk): NCP Imaging of Tianlai Dish Array
Chengliang Xu: (5 min talk): Quantify spectral smoothness of the

Day 1 - Weds Oct 27  nominally starting at usual telecon time, but could anticipate time changes in US and France.   It's complicated - Peter will post a detailed schedule for final review next week.

- Dish array hardware/observing status - Jixia

- Dish array hi-k analysis - Albert

- WIYN/Hydra spectroscopic survey status – Greg, John M., Albert

- Transient search engine status - Zijie, Furen

- Cylinder array hardware/observing status – Jixia

- Cylinder array data analysis – Shifan

Day 2 - Weds Nov 3

- Low-z  simulations, paper status and plans – Reza, Olivier 

- direct detection

- cross-correlation

- Optimizing HI-galaxy cross-correlation using Machine Learning - Anh

- Plans for beam measurements, baseline determination, calibration, etc

  Dish array

    - calibration - Peter

    - cross-coupling analysis & proposed tests on array – John, David

  Cylinder array

- TLPipe status and development plans - Shifan

- other topics…

Day 3 - Weds Nov 10

- Dish observing plans - Fengquan

- Cylinder observing plans – Jixia?

- Publication plans  - Reza

- Future plans - all

- other topics ….

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      See Agenda/ Minutes Above
    • 2
      Planning for Tianlai/BAORadio collaboration meeting
      Speakers: Peter Timbie (UW Madison), Xuelei Chen (NAOC)
    • 3
      WIYN/Hydra observations - proposal for more time is due October 15.
      Speaker: Peter Timbie (UW Madison)