Low Energy Inelastic Scattering: Low-Energy Inelastic Scattering
- Vishvas Pandey (University of Florida)
supernova/solar/piDAR/KDAR neutrinos
Connections between 10s of MeV electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering (solar/supernova/decay-at-rest neutrinos): status of the field, what theory is needed, what measurements are needed.
DUNE perspective of low-energy neutrino scattering physics - what is the status of relevant cross sections, what precision is needed, what kind of external theory and experimental neutrino (and/or electron) scattering data will be useful.
Status and plans of worldwide 10s of MeV inelastic neutrino-nucleus and KDAR neutrino-nucleus scattering programs, needs of these measurements, how these measurements will help constrain low-energy neutrino-nucleus interaction physics for the worldwide neutrino program.
Status and plans of 10s of MeV electron scattering measurements at MAMI, what nuclear targets are feasible, possibility of 236 MeV electron scattering measurement.
What electron scattering measurement (and what nuclei) can be considered to achieve precision in this energy region? What theory developments are needed?