Tianlai Analysis Teleconference



1) Review Tianlai/BAORadio Collaboration Meeting schedule

Clocks in France move back 1hr on Oct 31;  Clocks in US move back 1 hr on Nov 7

Current meeting times: 8:30 AM Central, 9:30 AM Eastern, 3:30 PM Paris, 7:00 PM India,  9:30 PM China

Proposed starting times:

Day 1 - Weds Oct 27   8:00 AM Central,  9:00 AM Eastern,  3:00 PM Paris, 6:30 PM India, 9:00 PM China

Day 2 - Weds Nov 3   8:00 AM Central,  9:00 AM Eastern,  2:00 PM Paris, 6:30 PM India, 9:00 PM China

Day 3 - Weds Nov 10 7:00 AM Central,  8:00 AM Eastern,  2:00 PM Paris, 6:30 PM India, 9:00 PM China

Preliminary schedule is posted on Indico for next three weeks.

Please let Xuelei or Peter know if you'd like to see the schedule adjusted.

The schedule is tight, so we considered extending to 2 hour meetings on each day, instead of 1.5 hrs.  But this makes for late nights in China.   Peter will check with Xuelei about this before adjusting the schedule.

2) Update on Lo-z simulation paper - Reza

Reza and Olivier hope to have this paper submitted by the Christmas holidays.   Will need help with editing, etc.
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