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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

Wave Dark Matter: Community Talks 6 of 6

    • Wave Dark Matter: Community Talks 6 of 6
      • 1
        Speaker: Kerstin Perez (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
      • 2
        Heterodyne Detection of Axion Dark Matter in SRF Cavities
        Speaker: Sebastian Ellis (University of Michigan)
      • 3
        Topological microwave circulators for dark matter detection
        Speaker: Dongxia Qu (LLNL)
      • 4
        Current and future results from HAYSTAC experiments utilizing squeezed state receivers
        Speaker: Alexander Leder (MIT)
      • 5
        Present and future of squeezing for axion haloscopes
        Speaker: Konrad Lehnert (JILA, University of Colorado)
      • 6
        Speaker: Reina Maruyama (Yale University)
      • 7
        Strong magnets for axion haloscopes
        Speaker: Mark Bird (NHMFL - FSU)
      • 8
        Speaker: Guido Mueller (University of Florida)
      • 9
        Axion Gegenschein from Supernova Remnants
        Speaker: Chen Sun (Tel Aviv University)
      • 10
        Dark photon ideas for haloscopes
        Speaker: Sumita Ghosh (Yale University)
      • 11
        Searching for dark matter related oscillations of fundamental constants using molecular and atomic spectroscopy
        Speaker: Nataniel Figueroa Leigh (Mainz)
      • 12
        Searching for dark matter using isotope shift spectroscopy of trapped ions
        Speaker: Diana Aude Craik