Multi-Messenger White Paper Meeting



Kristi Engel (University of Maryland, College Park), Tiffany Lewis (NASA Goddard), Tonia Venters (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

There will be a kickoff workshop for the Multi-Messenger White Paper on Nov 5, 11a-12:30p Eastern Time. This paper is lead by Tonia Venters (, Tiffany Lewis, Kristi Engel, and Marco Muzio.  (Zoom link: TBA).

Agenda: We will spend about 5 min going over the working outline (attached), then spend the rest of the time in discussion. We are hoping people in attendance will volunteer to take sections to write and that the discussion will help to finalize the outline. For anyone not able to attend, our Snowmass slack channel is #wp-cf07-multi-messenger.