Computational Frontier Convener Meeting


Live notes

Meeting ID: 868 2230 3113


  • Announcements

    • Personnel updates

      • Peter is official EF liaison

      • CompF2 list is approved, invitations going out

    • Template for reports

    • Google calendar update (Daniel)

  • Brief report on small experiments workshop (Ben)

  • Deadline:

    • Current wording:  To allow topical group conveners sufficient time to consider white papers, we ask all who wish to contribute to submit their white papers by the end of January, 2022. Papers submitted later are not guaranteed full consideration. Those who cannot meet the January deadline are encouraged to coordinate with the appropriate topical group conveners and submit a draft by the January 2022 deadline.

    • Proposed wording:  To allow topical group conveners sufficient time to consider white papers, we ask all who wish to contribute to submit (via email to topical group conveners) at least a title and abstract by the end of January, 2022. Contributions submitted later are not guaranteed full consideration. 

  • Questions or concerns?

    • 11:25 11:30
      CompF1 5m
      Speaker: anyone
    • 11:30 11:35
      CompF2 5m
    • 11:35 11:40
      CompF3 5m
    • 11:40 11:45
      CompF4 5m
    • 11:45 11:50
      CompF5 5m
    • 11:50 11:55
      CompF6 5m
    • 11:55 12:00
      CompF7 5m