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Contribution List

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Farah Fahim (FERMILAB), James Hirschauer (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
18/05/2022, 09:10
Lorenzo Rota (SLAC)
18/05/2022, 09:25
Grzegorz Deptuch (BNL)
18/05/2022, 09:40
Carl Grace (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
18/05/2022, 09:55
Gary Varner (University of Hawaii), Gary Varner
18/05/2022, 11:00
Jonathan Asaadi (University of Texas at Arlington)
18/05/2022, 11:15
Shiva Abbaszadeh (UC Santa Cruz)
18/05/2022, 12:00
Eric Oberla (university of chicago)
18/05/2022, 12:15
Bob Freeman (Synopsys), John Kapinos (Synopsys)
18/05/2022, 14:00
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL)
18/05/2022, 16:00
Carl Grace (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
19/05/2022, 09:20
19/05/2022, 09:40
Alessandro Caratelli (CERN)
19/05/2022, 11:00
Gabriella Carini (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
19/05/2022, 11:30
19/05/2022, 11:50
KT Moore (Cadence)
19/05/2022, 14:30
Mohamed Kassem (Efabless)
19/05/2022, 15:30
Thomas Parry
19/05/2022, 15:50
19/05/2022, 16:10
Mitch Newcomer (U.Penn)
20/05/2022, 09:30
20/05/2022, 09:50
Amit Varde (Cliosoft)
20/05/2022, 11:30
Aaron Sauers
20/05/2022, 12:00