EF03 Heavy flavor and top




Regularly repeating meeting of Snowmass energy frontier topical group EF03 (top and heavy flavor production). We have time for updates from people working on Snowmass studies. We will also have plenty of time for discussion. 

The meeting will be on zoom at https://msu.zoom.us/j/99445309904?pwd=eXgwQThYUVNJUHY5MmJmcUJsRnczZz09 which is zoom room 99445309904 The meeting password on zoom is 202021.


- Result with HT will be in the pub note, public result so far has 

- Assuming that theory uncertainties go down by a factor two, here that requires that both 4-top theory prediction and backgrounds (ttW+jets) are available NNLO. It's not clear that will be feasible. Maybe can do soft-gluon resummation, that seems more feasible, full NNLO 4-top is a very complicated calculation.

- ttW modeling uncertainty large, ttW at NLO models up to 3 jets, so all jets beyond that have to come from the parton shower.

- See https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.15181 for ttW studies, which is a Snowmass contribution on modeling uncertainties for ttW

- Basing the new fit on the existing fit to data, including scaling of ttW in the different bins

- using this for EFT fits? Existing fits focus on top-EW sector. Yes, can in principle include 4-top and this projection as well. Problem is that 20 operators contribute, and cannot distinguish them. 

- possibly enough events to think about differential distributions to isolate operators better

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